Our Chapter offers many educational events throughout the year:
The Advanced Essentials of Community Association Volunteer Leadership is a one-day course and is a must for board members and first time managers who want information on the most pertinent issues pertaining to community associations operations. This is a highly interactive course designed to get you involved! This course covers all the basics you need to know to lead your community effectively. Learn what your fiduciary responsibility is, how to run an effective meeting, what the role of a director is, what the governing documents are (and how to use them), and, how to read a financial statement. If you are interested in teaching this course, facilitator training is provided from time to time.
Our Chapter also offers The Advanced Essentials of Community Association Volunteer Leadership on-site. Bring the Nationally recognized program, The Essentials of Community Association Volunteer Leadership to your community. We will arrange a special on site program and conduct the Course right in your community. Click The Essentials of Community Association Volunteer Leadership On-Site Course for more information.
Luncheon Seminar Programs are held approximately seven times a year and covers a wide range of knowledge helpful to homeowner volunteers seeking to guide their associations toward successful communities. Check the calendar of events for current offerings.
Board Leadership Forum is a new evening program offered at least once a year. This workshop is designed to provide in-depth tips and strategies for successful community leadership and is geared toward those volunteer community leaders who are unable to attend our daytime seminars/luncheons.
Professional Management Development Program
The only nationwide education program designed exclusively for community association managers who work with condominiums, homeowners associations, and cooperatives of all sizes. Successful completion of the program, including state-of-the-art instruction in law, communications, operations and asset protection, is required to obtain CAI's highest professional designation: Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM ® ) .
SCHOLARSHIP opportunities also available to our Chapter Individual Manager Members. Check the Scholarship Menu Tab for more details and the Professional Credential Scholarship Application.
Start your journey to earning the Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA) credential with our dynamic and flexible e-Learning course! The first four modules offer crucial insights into the exam and help structure your study plan. The following modules delve into exam content. This course is designed to work with your busy schedule and each module takes less than 25 minutes to complete. You can exit and pick up where you left off at any time. Ready to dive in? All modules are ready for you now!
CLICK HERE for more information!